Where you go around slapping your ball sack till it turns red. Then you put a santa hat on and have angry sex with your girlfriend calling her "Mrs. Claus" as you dump your red sack of goodies.
Tim was slapping his ball sack getting it nice and red. He grabbed his santa hat and bent his girlfriend over and went full santa rage, screaming "Mrs. Claus" as he emptied his red ball sack inside her.
Slamming your fists on your table, or throwing your pillow, or trying to break your Nintendo Switch, then stuttering while talking about how glitchy the games is.
He kept saying, " Oh oh oh that's nice yeah yeah yeah ju-ju-just..." and so on. He was cursed by the Urge's Rage.
A mental condition in which severe anger is uncontrolled. Symptoms of this disease can on only be detected after the person after making a silly but grave mistake while ensuing a quick match from the popular video game franchise, "Madden NFL."
Scott - "Man, Brandon is always rage quitting when the triple option doesn't work for his precious little Panther' s ."
Nathan - "Madden Rage is a real thing Scott and there's nothing we can do about it."
The word that unlocks the level power of sigma, aura, and rizz. Probably the most skibidi word and THOSE WHO KNOW out there. Used by 8 year olds to get 1000+ aura.
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To take something meant to keep you partying all night long, go it hard as fuck for 3 minutes and proceed to pass out for 4 hours while still wearing training wheels. Can also include finishing a dj set and in the final 3 minutes proceed to pass out by face planting on the turntables.
Potter popped, and 3 minutes later asked for a quiet place to sleep because he would wake up when it kicked in. 4 hours later he woke up still wearing his training wheels. Man that dude knows how to rock out a 3 minute rage.
Instead of "Rate my Professor", this means to write a livid review about your professor on the Rate My Professor website. You rage about your professor. This also can just be a typo of the regular "rate". The acronym for this is "RMP".
I am so fucking pissed about my grade. I am going to Rage My Professor now!
I am really angry and upset about this class. I will Rage my Professor!
The act of braking your wrist because of a virtually pixelated video game.
My friend broke his wrist after losing in a video game must of had willie rage.