1. A person who Is only attracted to the opposite biological sex.
2.A new gender that show how straightphobic the LGBT community is
"Hey what's your gender?"
"OH I'm super straight"
"So you're transphobic then!"
"No I'm just not into trans people, they are not my preference. why are you so strstraightphobic!"
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People who want to pretend they're oppressed while trying to spread nazi propaganda and transphobia
"Super Straight" is "SS" and the colors of flag are the same as many white nationalist organizations.
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A sexuality created by neon@zi transphobes, indicating towards an excuse to be absolute jerks that went trending on social media platforms such as tiktok and twitter. Their flag has the colors of Grindr, representing the way they reinstall it after their mother checks their phone. This sexuality isn’t and will never be valid.
Btw did i tell you i was trans?
So you’re a guy? I’m not gay..
No,i am a valid woman,I’m just not a cis one.
Well I’m Super Straight,sorry.
That just sounds gayer but go off.
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Neo-Nazis on 4chan made a "sexuality" to excuse being transphobic, now 14 year olds are using it as an excuse for being transphobic too
Trisha: Oh hey im transexual, do you wanna go out on a date sometime
Donald: Ew no, im super straight
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Super Straight is a stupid "sexuality" that someone made up as an excuse to be transphobic. Basically it means that they will not date a trans person. It is mainly men that do this. They want to change Lgbtq to Sslgbtq which is very stupid
Hey! I'm super straight will you accept me? I only date REAL women
No, I do not accept you,that is just an excuse to be transphobic
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Started by Nazis on 4chan and branches out to incels online. A hashtag #SSLGBTQ is going around contradicting itself but they don’t know that. If you have to put Super before something and you aren’t Superman you are just super insecure. The difference between Gay and Super Straight is that gay people have been tormented and killed for centuries, “Super Straight” people are the ones that have been doing the tormenting and killing of gay people. It’s the transphobia for me. Hating transgender people isn’t a preference, you being ignorant is a mindset. Be better don’t be A “super straight” because even they don’t know how the movement started.
Tim: I’m coming out as Super Straight
Billy: Tim not this again, I don’t think we should be friends anymore
Billy: no you don’t choose to be STRAIGHT, you choose to be a dick
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Super Straight is a cishet person (usually male) pretending to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It is mostly just an excuse for being transphobic.
-Hello I'm a transgender woman
-We can't date then since you are not a real woman to me
-I am Super Straight.
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