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National 🅿️imp day

National Pimp day is February 15th, it is the dedicated day for Pimps as the 14th (Valentines day) is for couples. Pimp day is when you celebrate being single, and being for the streets.

Did you hear about national 🅿️imp Day?

you: yeah that’s my favorite day of the year to play bitches

by Wherethehoes@? February 15, 2022

National Trinity Day

July 11th, national trinity day. a day where you celebrate all the Trinity's you know I you life ;)

"bro, did you text trinity?"
"Nah why?"
"its national trinity day, text her and tell her how you appreciate her"

by nationaldayyyyyy July 6, 2020

national coaches day

A day to celebrate the person or people that have helped you get better a sport or any given extra curricular.

Happy National Coaches Day Coach Eddy, thank you for everything!

by Zepking October 7, 2022

national zonut day

On December Ist it is national zonut day!! This day means you cannot be mean to a zonut if someone does it fanpages have to try to report them. Zonuts be happy it’s your day!!!

In December, its National Zonut Day!

by National Zonut Day November 14, 2021

National makeout day

July 31st is national makeout day

Hey Baby it’s national makeout day

by Rosey rosey rose July 31, 2019

National Makeout Day

National Makeout day is April 14th

Jim: Sarah won’t kiss me what do I do man
Jake: She HAS to its April 14th
Jim: And that is..?
Jake: National Makeout Day my nigga!

by allisonlovemecock April 13, 2018

national ":v" day

Today is the day to celebrate Indonesia's national ":v" day. ":v" is an emoji frequently used by those so called "memer." But now the majority of people hates that stupid emoji.

Tricia: "Hello :v"
Steve: "Hi :v, do you know that today is Indonesia's national ":v" day? :v"
Tricia: "I didn't know earlier :v"

by The-Devil October 4, 2020