A dirty sanchez is where you stick your thumb up someone’s butt crack and then smear their own faeces on top of their lips to make a moustache
Bro, Kyle just gave me the coolest Dirty Sanchez
When in doggy style slip your finger in her ass and then reach around and wipe your finger on her upper lip and then hang on
Finger in?) ass doggy-style dirty Sancheze
When a man shits in a condom the proceeds to freeze it then hides it under a random persons pillow
Mark asked John what he did last night and John said “I gave this lady from the nursing home a dirty sanchez”
When Doing a Girl doggy style you insert both of your index fingers into her asshole then pull them out lean into her and proceed to smear a handle bar style mustache on her upper lip. Òle.
My girlfriend and I got fucked up on margaritas and started doing it doggy style I felt in the spirit and gave her a dirty Sanchez to finish the night
Lauren- I can't believe Walt gave me a dirty Sanchez last night. Michelle- I can
A person who inadvertently says something sexual, but then tries it later to see what it's like
"We only joking about that computer chair! You're such a Dirty Louna"
she pegs you so far down. you go to hell
satan: why are you in hell?
someone: because someone did dirty hel on me