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Snail Horny

The state of being so horny that you want to have sex with someone so hard that you become a single entity, like some snails do when mating

A: How horny are you right now?
B: Fuck, at this point I’m snail horny

by 4Chump March 20, 2021

Snail Call

This is a call you type out when one of your friends is not in the group chat. You and everyone else in the group chat type SNAIL CALL or a variant of it in hopes that your friend will magically show up during the call. This almost always works and the friend that you wish to see or talk to will show up.

Person 1:no I haven’t texted her today

Person 2: should we do a SNAIL CALL for her?

Person 3: heck yeah we should

Person 1,2 and 3:


Person 4: Ah, I’m here guys. What do y’all want?

by MuLaysPancakes June 17, 2020

crusty snail

A woman that is no longer a couger but still has sex with younger men.

He was so drunk, he fucked a crusty snail and got a STD from the 30's.

by Joshdelux October 2, 2010

carpet snail

A racist slur to the Southern Nigerians. The Slur was made after the large amount of the Southern Nigerians Body hair. The correlation of the insult is that their bodies are as furry as a carpet and that they have so much hair it weighs them down, which slows them down to a snail's pace.

You suck at Quickscoping you putrid Carpet Snail!

by Carpet Snail April 20, 2017

Snail Bitch

It’s like a slow bitch. Because you’re a snail meaning you’re slow and you’re a bitch like a bitch yk so like snail bitch .

“yo that guys snail bitch
“yo that bitch rly do be snailing tho”

“that snail rly do be bitching tho”

by Nathan June 5, 2023

snail jail

where you go when you fuck up

"You're going to Snail Jail, buckaroo."

by mailksnail February 1, 2016

snail snatcher

A slimy and undesirable person who is far too handsy.

"Did you hear he said you can just grab them by the pussy"
"Ugh, he is such a snail snatcher"

by IDrinkAndKnowThings August 4, 2023