Amelia Rodriguez is the most beautiful little human you'll ever see and is somehow really good at volleyball. What she may severely lack in height, she makes up for with a smile that will make your life worth living again. Even if you haven't seen her in years, the thought of her mischievous little grin again after catching her taking photos of you with your shirt off will always be enough to sustain you... You'll wish more than anything to see her again, even if it's just one last time. She's the coolest person who will ever talk to you and you will always care about her.
Person1:"I wish I didn't care about Amelia Rodriguez so much, I'll probably never see her again."
Person2"You haven't seen this girl in years and you just realized how much she means to you?"
Person1: "Stfu"
Amelia Rodriguez is the most beautiful little human you'll ever see and is somehow really good at volleyball. What she may severely lack in height, she makes up for with a smile that will make your life worth living again. Even if you haven't seen her in years, the thought of her mischievous little grin again after catching her taking photos of you with your shirt off will always be enough to sustain you... You'll wish more than anything to see her again, even if it's just one last time. She's the coolest person who will ever talk to you and you will always care about her.
Person1: "I wish I didn't care about Amelia Rodriguez so much, I'll probably never see her again."
Person2: "You haven't seen this girl in years and you just realized how much she means to you?"
Person1: "Stfu"
@jozdict on Instagram.
person 1: “you see that dweeb over there listening to music alone”
person 2: “yeah can’t you tell that’s a willy rodriguez fan… @jozdict on Instagram”
person 1: “ew”
person 2: “lol”
A self centered gangsta, supreme repping dumb ass that has troubles spelling his own name and has a iq of -retard
tard 1: yo whats up?
tard 2: George cheated on me
tard 1: what a xavier rodriguez
Person 343: Hagoromo, Hamura, and Toneri Ōtsustsuki (Avery Eduardo Rodriguez, Manuel Eduardo Rodriguez, and Mariam Angelique Rodriguez): The First Juveniles Release; The First Juvenile Release.
Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino (Júimeño) was a popular singer song writer in the 13th century. She wrote and sang top hits like “Mango Tango,” “She took it,” and “Mama Huevo.” She lived to the age 122 and died in the 14th century. Her original family name was pronounced Júimeño, but she legally changed it to Domino because of the petition her Fanclub started, stated that her last name was “too ethnic.” Billie was often considered a symbol of art. Her signature short bob shag haircut was often the stated reason. She had a signature look she gave people when she was “tired of their crap,” referred to as “the Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino stare.” Many consider Hana Khan to be the 21st century equivalent to Billie in looks, but others will argue that Hana can’t quite get her stare perfect.
“Uh oh, don’t look now, she’s giving you the Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino stare…”