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dumb bitch

someone who is dumb and then you add on they are a bitch

Aye Alivia you a dumb bitch!

by slimshadylover69 August 9, 2024

dumb bitch

vsco girls. the girls that think their so cool when no one gives a shit about them

vsco girl: i DrOpPeD mY hydroflask- and i oop -

non visco girl: stfu u dumb bitch

by Nammmeeeeee September 1, 2019

Dumb bitch

Says morning 😂😂🤣🖤💀

Dumb bitch

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 29, 2019

Dumb Bitch

Dumb Bitch- Bella

Bella, stop being a dumb bitch

by dumb.mole August 6, 2018

Dumb Bitch

When two people get drunk & decide to get triangle stick & pokes in between their tits.

T & K are dumb bitches for getting stick & pokes while they were not sober.

by bobbertrobbertjunior November 5, 2017

It’s giving dumb bitch

Basically when somebody is acting dumb so they are giving dumb bitch

Riley it’s giving dumb bitch.

by Sekaniiii February 23, 2021

dumb hell bitch

a dumb or stupid person who is a bitch who belongs in hell or who reminds you of hell

he's such a dumb hell bitch

by alexa.oh May 13, 2024