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The olatunji affect

Bait your fans into thinking something you have made is "sick" And make close relatives react to it. Causing many people to get excited until it's finally released and is trash

The olatunji affect is a prime example on why YouTube has gone to shit

by @urmomfagXD September 9, 2017

The John Cena Affect

The time when you start to like the first person you meet on a dating app and it feels like you just got RKOed by John Cena

Home Boy: Omg, In in love with this girl I found on eHarmony!

Me: Mhm, when did you talk to her

Home Boy: Yesterday

Me: You just got hit with the John Cena Affect

by Whale_Boss69 May 10, 2017

pseudobulbar affect

another way to say it's funny


by loyal lulu November 3, 2020

Affection Whore

Alternative Version of the so called Attention whore

Gives you similes and is flattered when you give them back. Loves to receive all kinds of affection, so long as it does not touch her daddy issues.

In opposite to the pure attention whore is it important to her that the feedback is positive. She is also much more passive and less seeking for attention.

In general, you can cal her a mild, passive form of the attention whore.

Similar is, that she will turn you her back in no time, once you 'crossed the line'

Crossing the line is easy as showing more feelings as wanted (see section above, daddy issues)

She is clearly seeking affection and is scared to spend it back, as there is too less of it

Such an affection whore

by ShalokShalom December 11, 2018

The Fredricks affect

When a man who has just used his Civil War Rizz has an affect afterward that causes him to have a Deep Dark Sleep for 8 and a 1/2 nights in a row and then shoves a Fredrick’s Dove (Fredrickas Dovinson) up his ass crack all the way to his cranium causing The Fredricks Affect

Damn man I be halfway through the Fredricks Affect By now

by Monke68 February 16, 2023

The Chippy affect

When one improves and does significantly better when in the presence of “chippy
Similar to the Jordan Poole affect

You went off today, must of been the chippy affect.

by Brucearchives March 18, 2024

Public Disposable of Affection (PDA)

To publicly ditch your feelings towards someone through sexual intercourse. This is the most recommended way to cure horniness, it is 100% recommended by most doctors. Public Disposable of Affection (PDA)
Why like a person when you can just go straight and PDA them? Very effective no need for those embarrassing confessions.

It was a G/C lesson and we were discussing sex so my teacher demonstrated Public Disposable of Affection (PDA) on me in front on the class and I got stds, but I liked it.

I caught my neighbor practicing Public Disposable of Affection (PDA) on his dog.

My cousin and I love each other and I know it's incest and we knew society would be against it but we did PDA

I PDAed my younger sister's boyfriend because he knew he was mine.

by sasha.at May 28, 2022