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A fuckboi who pretends to be everybody's friend. Though he secretly hates the way he is, he is too scared stop his habits. Generally a playboy tossing girls left and right.

Girl #1: hey you know that guy i been texting?
Girl #2: yeah? The one that kept asking for your number right?
Girl #1: He is soo not who he says he is. He kept asking for nudes and asking me to come over to his house to "chill".
Girl #2: aw sorry girl. Didn't think he would turn out to act like a Aiden.

by Chicflick July 6, 2017

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An Aiden is a little boy who is addicted to Fortnite. A typical Aiden will live his life alone and will make no friend. An Aiden's only defense in life is his knowledge of memes. An Aiden is typically sad.

That Aiden is sad as shit.

by Daddy as fuck๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† November 9, 2018

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a piece of retarded shit that no one loves. he is short and has a douchey haircut. everyone hates him because of his stupidity. he has no friends in school and will be unemployed with 389579 restraining orders when he grows up

Man 1: dude I hate that guy
Man 2: he must be an Aiden then...

by awesomekid0349831094 April 5, 2019

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He is most likely very gay you must be careful around him. He will try to act lets say hetero and very against homos like he is homophobic because he is trying to seem normal.


by John H Crable May 7, 2019

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A very angry little boi! He is so small yet like not so its kinda confusing? But he spends ALL of his money on girls and alcohol, its becoming an issue. I dont know why, but he was red hair, its not good. At the heart, very deeply, he cares for people, slightly. He can have a lot of emotion, but acts like he doesn't care about anything 24/7. He screams really loudly and angrily, scaring the female gender. He used to get girls, there has been a slow decline in that category. Unfortunately, he has red hair. And of course he was raised in a town featuring hockey boys, so in order to fit in he drinks Tim's coffee twice a day and wears joggers with every outfit. Is probably your McDonald's manager.

Went to a party last night and became friends with Aiden, it was scary and fun!!!

by sr5hht December 18, 2019

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A guy who has WAYYYYYYYYY to big of an ego than his body can handle. He also looks shockingly similar to Jem Finch and acts like him too. He tends to talk like a southerner when he texts you. He is simba from the Lion King, which is pretty true since he has a big ego and is cocky as hell. He just can't wait to be president. He can also be a snobby dick. He usually likes Olivias

That Aiden is going to be the future president

by Jem Finch May 17, 2019

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Aiden is a sensitive person. He takes a lot of pictures of his dog. He gets cold easily, and always complains about it. If you joke around with him, or give him a friendly slap he'll probably cry. Other than that, Aidens are very nice.



by Emily Shanahan November 7, 2018

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