Something you get in school, makes you feel like shit and can even make someone commit suicide. Really Bad, don’t get bad grades
He got bad grades and he was depressed and killed himself so sad.
I had my first day of 7th grade today, JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST I HATE EVERYONE
A term often used to refer to those spaceships with the most powerful engines, shielding, and weaponry. Named after the video game "Axelay" featured a spaceship with such capabilities.
This fighter jet is an example of Axelay-grade technology.
Someone who gets the necessary grades by sucking up to the teacher and gives them sexual favors.
Oh man, you're such a grade raiser!
A woman who is romantically, sexually, etc. involved with someone who is at a younger grade then themselves -- typically women named Emilia are in this category
"Oh did you see that senior and her junior boyfriend?
"Yea, she is such a grade cougar"
When you upgrade (a room, a car, a computer, etc) and you decide to replace/upgrade everything at the same time just to have all new things.
Did you hear that Nicole just Oprah-graded her computer? All new parts and her processor wasn't even a year old!
I wanted new counter tops, but everything had to match, so I Oprah-graded the kitchen. New flooring and everything!
The over-dramatic anger of a student or student's parent when the student "who always gets As" doesn't get an A on an assignment. Usually in the form of an email addressed to someone else and cc'd to the teacher, parent/student will demand teacher be fired for ineptitude in teaching.
Did you hear about Karen's grade rage? Her son got a 9.5 on a 10-point homework assignment, and she wants the teacher's head on a platter!