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badgers tadger

Rough. Usually used to describe poor workmanship by jobs carried out by a shady firm or the local council.

Can also mean hungover.

1. I had the council joiner in my flat to re-new my doors. He packed the hinges out with torn-up pieces of cardboard, he's as rough as a badgers tadger!

2. I was out on the piss last night but this morning I'm as rough as a badgers tadger!

by YoungBobster February 24, 2014

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fish badger

A fish badger is a fish-flavoured badger. The only difference between a normal badger and a fish badger is the taste. There is no difference in fur, texture or general behaviour. Many fish badgers go undetected due to this. Often confused with 'contemporary badger' and sometimes confused with 'fish badger'.

"My God, this one's a fish badger"
"I'm a fish badger, if you don't believe me, suck my paw"
"Why do fish badgers exist?"

by Bobbojenkins July 30, 2006

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Slot badger

An insulting phrase used by inhabitants of the city of Bristol in south west England to refer to the neighbouring city of Bath. It derives from the scandal when MP Ron Davies was caught near Bath "looking for badgers" soon after being embroiled in a scandal where he had been robbed in a London park notorious for cottaging.

"Hey, Bristol beat Bath at the rugby, Bath are just slot badgers,"

by Hello It's Me February 10, 2006

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vagina badger

noun; someone who gets alot of vagina. Someone who badgers vagina. Badgers can be extremely violent and so can a vagina badger.

"rick banged another chick last night"
"what a vagina badger."

by JKubKay March 20, 2009

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Poon Badger

A desperate guy that continually pursues girls with excessively beat up vagina in hope of getting some, then in return is denied by said devastated vagina.

Fred: "Dude, you seen Jon? He's not answering his phone."

Jonathan: "I'm pretty sure that Poon Badger is somewhere in Dallas going after that one chick. Ya know, the one with that vagina scarier than a fuckin badger and/or mongoose?"

Fred: "Oh shit dude, really? Damn that thing was like a wrecking ball man! He better watch out or he is gonna get the clap."

by Fred & Jon, aka professionals August 28, 2009

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Salami Badger

A person who is extremely gay. This referance is to a man who wont leave other penis's alone.

Salami (often used as a word for penis)

Badger (Often used to describe someone who wont leave an item alone)

Salami Badger

"That guy wont leave me alone!!! He is such a Salami Badger!!"

by Rfish June 26, 2012

Rusty Badger

When you're taking a shit and a menstruating woman mounts and rides your face.

Greg wanted a blumpkin but his chick decided she would give him a rusty Badger.

by Haert November 20, 2021