A super villain with bipolar disorder. She uses her emotions as a weapon.
Look it's Bipolar Lady crying a river again.
A word you use when bipolar just doesn't cut it
That girl has such bipolarness
When someones triggers you, and you felt one way, for example happy and then you feel completely different after someone does or says something. This often occurs when you are already bipolar.
You are pushing my bipolarness.
To not know what one wants and constantly change one's mind relating to emotions and relationships.
Emotionally Bipolar example:
Says "I want a break." Two minutes later Says "why arnt you texting me"
Says "I want kids with you." Then you say you want kids and they say "You want kids with me I don't want kids anymore"
The feeling of hating the human species and having it on your mind but at the same time being hopeful for the future. Having these two contradicting ideas at the same time and believing in them the same
He felt bipolar misantropy when he looked at the damage the we humans did but he hadn't lost all hope.
This discribes a person who takes love so easily but sometimes seriously. This happens when the person have had a hard in a relationship in the past.
Justin always change girlfriend , but once he found that one girl. He thinked she'd be the best among all of his girlfriends. But then when they broke up , justin went to his old habit ,changing girlfriend like changing cloth; bipolar lover. sometimes he gives a fuck about a relationship but sometimes he doesn't.