The term given to a person that only has one trait to them; the trait of niceness. They're nice and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing special about them at all. They're just... nice. Like, y'know, Michael from down the road! You know Michael! He's... nice!
Hey remember -insert name here- from High school all those years ago?
Hardly, they were such a wafer biscuit.
Yeah they were nice and that's... that's about it.
The opposite of muffin top. Someone whose butt cheeks hang belong the bottom of their shorts.
"The biscuit bottom on that chick made me lose my appetite!"
When an elderly man lets somebody suck on his balls.
My grandpa gave Jenna crusty biscuits.
The precise moment when a player, usual on a first person shooter reaches for a biscuit to their side, thus momentarily leaving their controller and making themselves vulnerable to sniper fire. More predominantly known as the KitKat moment in the UK.
Biscuit Moment: Whilst playing Call Of Duty 4 online, Tim reached for the conveniently placed biscuits to his left only to find once returning that he had been shot in the head by a sniper.
Whilst targeting this guy online I was waiting for the all important KitKat moment before taking appropriate action.
An unusually large brown biscuit that may cause pain when excreted from the batty.
An unpleasant turd.
Oh man, I just dropped one killer Batty Biscuit in the chod bin!
when a person performing oral sex on another from behind puts their nose in the anus
Hey hon you got some "stuff" on your nose were clearly sniffing my biscuit.
Bro Bro you were all up in that sniffing her biscuit and what not.
Man your a dam biscuit sniffer!
Hey, Hey I jumped on that and got so in to it I started sniffing the biscuit.
when baby powder is used to dry the krundle area and results in a doughey substance and when dried is formed into a krundle biscuit
it was so hot outside my girl had a krundle biscuit in her pants