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Schlouga de Bloom

The act of having coffee in the morning.

Would you like to come over and Schlouga de Bloom.”

by MF2020 November 1, 2020

rose in bloom

A woman's vagina on its period.

Jerry : have you fucked the new chick???

Deech : no I found out the hard way.
Jerry: what do you mean???
Deech: she has a rose in bloom....

Jerry: well I'm going to try and earn my maker's mark yay.....

by Femoralslasher December 8, 2014

blooms my daffodils

when something makes you wet

corbin blooms my daffodils

by Kittensoft9 April 19, 2017

Blooming onion

A very full ashtray

Your ashtray is so full it’s starting to look like a blooming onion

by CarlTensine June 6, 2021

blooming onion

way of saying how garbage a person of color's haircut is. especially if its bunched up on the top of their head.

person 1: that nigga got a wicked haircut.

person 2: that shit looks like a blooming onion.

by busa quikie August 12, 2024