Source Code

Broken Heart

The worst thing you could ever imagine. When you feel like you have nothing, betrayed; sometimes depressed,

He gave me a Broken Heart

by laza2toni March 3, 2011

40👍 18👎

Broken condom

unwanted baby or a mistake

a Broken condom how Jose Florentino got here

by gamingkid March 29, 2018

Ankles are Broken

To break one’s ankle is to utterly destroy someone, to shit on someone’s face. One may yell “your ankles are broken” as to express the condition in which their opponent performed poorly and the winner demolished his way to victory.

Coach: Go break ankle!
Player: *Touchdown*
Coach: His ankles are broken!

by Broken Anklez February 26, 2020

Broken Zipper

Peed sleeping bag at camp.

Code word for a wet bunk bed or wet sleeping bag.
MESD Outdoor School code words for wet sleeping bag (enuretic in camp!)

Putley, I have a broken zipper in Antelope Cabin, I'm taking it to the camp nurse to fix it. (get it washed and dried before anyone else finds out)

by diggersdozen September 19, 2017

broken maths

The stuff that happens when people divide by zero or pull some funky formula out of no where.

Oh my god, Mr.Garwood has broken maths!

by Flappy The Clown April 6, 2017

broken bagpipe

To erotically slide the penis in the place where the forearm and bicep intersect.

Last night I broken bagpiped my girlfriend and I splooged all over her stomach!

I love doing the broken bagpipe, it makes me feel all tingly inside of my genitals.

by Britta and Kurt August 11, 2007

3👍 1👎

broken brandy

someone who makes friends with someone and every time his "friend" is with someone he trying stealing his "Friends" gf and he always does because everyone LOVES the fail poser goth kid that is a wimp.

Dude look at broken brandy stealing that kids gf!!!! he steals them then treats them like shit! but she dont know this yet.

by I REALLY HATE BRANDY January 18, 2011