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A bunt is another word for a fart, but is not as easily recognized so you can keep your flatulence in secret among your friends and family.

Man, what is that smell? I think someone bunted.

by CMTB12 June 26, 2019

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It's where you are a bitch and cunt

You're a being a bunt

by Xbox v.s PS4 Xbox obviously February 25, 2018


The point between a woman's ass and her cunt.

Laying in bed spooning your woman slip your thigh in and gets a bunt.

by Chevyzr2 December 12, 2017


A slang blend term for a homosexual man's anus (the male version of a 'vagina' when describing a homosexual man's actual bum hole) โ€“ the combination of 'bum' and 'cunt'.

'Corr, I bet he's got a tight bunt!'

by Straightgal1990 June 7, 2018


alternative definition for bunt is a severely annoying and egregious female who is a veritable combination of a bitch and a cunt -- a bunt.

'oh my ngod, can you believe what she did?! that's one nasty bunt.'

by musingsfromthecage October 22, 2014


Combination of a bitch and cunt

She's a bunt, why are you such a bunt

by Madcat83 March 3, 2021


on a oversized woman just above the womans fortune cookie there's a seperate roll of fat.

Wow i wonder whats underneath that bunt?

by Nick920 July 11, 2008