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because comics

A simple phrase used to explain why comics are how they are.
May also be used for stuff based on comics.

"The Silver Age of comics was weird. Like really, really weird. But did you know that Supergirl once dated a fricken horse? Well she did... because comics." - Comic Drake

by Blackmouth October 6, 2019


When you see someone or something that was amazingly phenomenal and in the same breath comical. You get phenomacomical.

D I d you see what just happened, and nobody was injured?

Yes,, I did and It was phenomacomical, lol...

D I d you see what just happened, and nobody was injured?

Yes,, I did and It was

Phenomacomical, lol...

phenomacomical : Meaning
highly extraordinary comical

by Tennesseeshaker April 25, 2021

queen of comics

diana prince of the themyscira. aka wonder woman! the face of woman in comics. the blueprint for female superhero’s. number #4 most popular superhero of all time. and will forever be #1 in female superhero’s.

wonderwoman , diana prince , queen of comics

by ocxep111 August 27, 2022


An art style that would look great in a webcomic.

"Wow! Your art style is so comicable! I would love to see a story from you.

by Dapper_Deer September 26, 2022

Comically large tie

A tie that it oversized, used largely by clowns and other jokers to get a cheap laugh

Did you see Connors tie?

Yeah bro he’s wearing a comically large tie to prom!

by Goob “Goobie” Goobert III April 24, 2022

sonic Archie comics

Sonic the hedgehog comics that are now discontinued under the Archie licensing.

Most sonic fans view back fondly on it despite its many issues with its writing, characters and honestly everything about it.

Quite the strangest piece of official sonic ever. All thanks to Ken penders

“I loved the sonic Archie comics as a kid… read em again recently… I had forgotten the atrocities..”

by TheSwagsterr February 20, 2023

Cat Comic

A depiction of co-workers and members of management in the form of a poorly drawn comic strip. It is named after a boss that is a real life Cat Comic.

The comic typically exaggerates day to day operations within the company. It is a goofy depiction of dumb managers and employees within the company. It also exaggerates your bosses "emotional stability" and their flaws.

A Cat Comic is typically drawn after your boss or co-worker just had a frustrating event happen to them at work. It is drawn on MS paint in the size of 300x300. Typically black and white unless you are emphasizing hair color, eye color, colors of objects, etc. The figures are stick figure like and look ridiculus.

It's like Dilbert without the smart stuff.

So Ms. Doe looks really mad after that meeting. I think I'll draw a Cat Comic

by T10LawnDart September 25, 2008