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pedigree chum

The floating remnants of a particularly large and buoyant panful of excrement. As a defense mechanism, the faeces disperse into smaller chunks when the flush is deployed, surviving to haunt the bowl for the next unfortunate soul to encounter.

Simon: Who was last in the toilet?
Chris: Why?
Simon: There's a load of pedigree chum floating around the bowl.

by steve_rogers_is_dead June 16, 2008

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chum stick

It's when you've blown your load in her mouth and she's not quite finished with the chum. She begins rubbing the head of your unit across her lips like an over size chap stick, moaning for you to give her more!

Dude, she looked like she had dry lips, so I let her use my chum stick!!

by Uncle Kurtie June 2, 2007

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viral chumming

The slow build-up to a frenzy of "published", "grass-roots" media snippets (news items, trailers, seemingly innocuous and random "facts" about people or media) in the run-up to the release of a new movie, song, or other media.

January 2014: Hey, did you read this funny thing about the upcoming Star Wars movies?
August 2014: Woah! Someone captured drone-cam footage of the Millennium Falcon from the new Star Wars movies!
November 2014: Jeezy-Creezy, check out this stolen footage of the new Star Wars movie! It almost looks like viral chumming!

by slaterusa November 9, 2014

chum chamber

A vagina

I put it in her chum chamber.

by JayEll11 February 24, 2014

Mud Chum

When you have steaming but uniform liquid feces come out of your anus. Most of the time Mud Chum passes your system in 2-5 sessions. It’s a relatively messy wipe but a quick session.

“Damn bro I just had to stop the Netflix ‘N’ Chill to hit the porcelain for a little Mud Chum session! I ain’t gonna flush XD!”

by Lordo Corn August 8, 2023

Tiny Chum

Tiny Chum is what you call a very short but oddly smart person. Another word for it is Cheu.

Lin: Hey Alex, check him out.. hes a Tiny Chum

Alex: I see him! are they always that short?

Lin: Yea, Cheu's a tiny chum.

Cheu: Yeah, I know

by Feania May 11, 2023

chum chucks

The most vile ninja weapon on Earth - two soiled tampons tied together

Ninja: "I can deal with how vile shit shuriken are, but I draw the line when it comes to chum chucks."

by mBmD August 2, 2012