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a personification of racism, sexism, extremely homophobic

I want to be like Colin when I grow up his traits are so amazing

by WOIDAIJODWAIW October 11, 2021

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A quiet person whom will express his feeling for the one he love but will never deni it he is not a person to put down roots

Colin is different

by Wordfetcher August 18, 2017

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That anime nerd that knows nothing else. He sleeps a lot.

Teacher: OK class we have an assignment to do today.
*10 minutes later*
Teacher: OK turn in your work.
Colin: I don't have my work.
Teacher: Why not?
Colin: I fell asleep.

by ZesUpBigDawg January 9, 2018

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A stupid fuck.

That kid Colin should go off himself.

by Laxgod69 May 1, 2020

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A total retard who has blond hair lives in the rich part of a state but is poor and usually has military descent and can go to hell

That guy Colin over there looks like a nazi bitch

by Fusillade August 17, 2019

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Less than common name in the US. Typically associated with someone that only listens to early 2000s pop punk.

"What's Colin doing?"
"Probably listening to Brand New somewhere."

by KingsBandwagon December 1, 2016

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Colin is a person who gets no hoes

Someone who is a lazy white kid who sit in his room playing fortnite and yells at his family

Colin - a lazy hoe

by YoTrump067 November 19, 2019

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