A person who has sex specifically with virgins
A person who pops multiple virgin's cherries and keeps score
That guy I went on a date with was a cherry collector
Collector's Curse is the strange situation where someone will buy large quantities of random items (cloth dolls, physical game bundles, pop figures, etc.) in a sporadic shopping spree. This is usually done by said person in hopes that, one day during their lifetime, said objects will be worth a fortune.
Similar to:
Randal bought out all of Wal-Mart's fish tank decorations. I think he may have the Collector's Curse
"Injustice Collector" Feminists see Injustice in absolutely everything about daily life---from the random architecture of buildings to the universal office temperature settings of Air-conditioning to "how overt masculinity dominates Australia's relationship with water."
Hence why Feminists constantly project their "Injustice Collection" onto anyone who disagrees with their Dogma or why Feminists accuse non-Feminist Women of internalized misogyny or "Pick Me," by projecting their own internal "Injustice Collector."
"Men were never interested in dating Jessica because of her raging " Injustice Collector Feminist" Ideology and her unbalanced opinions."
An adorable space toddler from the Disney show The Owl House.
The Collector is such a cool character!
(noun): a guy that collects scrap metal
referenced from the movie "nothing but trouble" the judge collects scrap metal
hey, that valkenvanian trash collector is going through my garbage again
A derogatory term for a Jewish person.
Because of the stereotype the most Jews are rich and good with money
guy 1: wow that guy is such a penny collector!
guy 2: why?
guy 1:well...he a jew so he must be rich