To be the whitest boy around who live off his daddy's money for his whole life. Occasionally tries to rap but ruins it.
Husband: hey honey I think we need to start thinking about of financial future.
Wife: what do you mean sweetie?
Husband: I want to make enough money so we can ensure our children can be Evan combs.
Wife: wow you're so right baby! This is why I married you. I can't wait to push out 5hose white babies of yours.
Max Combs is a little bitch boy who likes to be fucked in the ass by grown men. Often found to be an insufferable person, and hated by others. Max Combs is someone who is rude, mean, obnoxious, insensitive, spiteful, inhuman, bossy, greedy, manipulative, selfish, cruel, despicable, sadistic, vicious, sarcastic, arrogant, snooty, irredeemable, vile, heartless, disloyal, dishonest, violent, cold, spoiled, hateful, unfriendly and just uncaring. They can also be brash and harsh. No one loves Max Combs
Stay away from Max Combs he is evil
Tessa combs is a white girl. She’s sweet gorgeous and cute, she’s very friendlier then everyone 😊 she has a lots of friends she also has a tiktok account! Her videos are absolutely amazing 🤩
“Omg is that Tessa combs?! Wow she’s famous I’m gonna go talk to her”
the act of searching the Internet for a particular item.
After many hours of e-combing, she found her perfect island destination.
ie - Got nothing going on; bored to death.
Girl, "hey Jim, what's going on tonight?" Jim replies, "Just combing the dog".
A Man who sold his Soul to the big leagues down in Nashville, TN.
Luke Combs is doing country all wrong.
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