A chick with good pussy or head but she ugly as fuck
Boy I know you not fucking with Brenda.
Yeah man but you know she ugly delicious.
Treats that exceed the normal realm of deliciousness.
Tony: "Let me tell ya somethin, I F'n love rainbow cookies and canolli ... fuhgheddaboudit"
Jamal: "That ish aint got nothin on my Mama biscuits & sausage gravy with chicken and waffles son"
Sean: "Irish food is the worst, but it's clear that you both fully understand when something is powerfully delicious"
The sweetest most beautiful Cupcake a Muffin can love.
Scientific connotation for Cupcake
I love you Cupcakious Delicious
A delicious bandwagon is an incognito invitation for you to share "relations" with the speaker, allowing her to cheat.
$10 if you jump on my delicious bandwagon.
When a bit of felatio is given after sex or between rounds to enhance orgasm or initiate the next round.
My leg cramped in doggy style right as I came! A delicious little Debbie took care of the problem. Skeeet.
Delicois means that if you eat or drink anything you might love it and have it overs and over again.It also is an adjective because your describing how it tastes.
Jack was so hungry he ate his lunch then ate a delicious cake and it was so nice wanted his parents cake as well.