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renovators delight

A sexual act; The man and the woman engage in doggy style sex and the man pushes so hard that the womans head smashes into the fibro or gyprock wall leaving a small hole that requires patching.

Man, Me an the missus really went off last night, I ended up giving her a renovators delight and had to call the ambulance.

by The Axe169 March 18, 2007

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Suffolk Delight

When you see a girl (usually from a backwards place) getting herself off with a piece of solidified faeces

"Hey John, Jook over there theres a girl whipping up a fresh batch of "Suffolk Delight"

"I got's a hankerin' for some Suffolk Delight, pass me the cat litter please honey"

by omgzzlolzzzmannnn1288674434 March 30, 2012

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testacle delight's

A light party snack usaully eaten at parties or get2gether tht r very delightful 4 a winters day!!! UsuAlly small best eatn hott or warm

Hey. Let me get sum testacle delight's I lredy ate,sounds delicous ay que rico

by letric shavemy pubes bre bre November 28, 2010

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The Rubick Delight

Basically, when a male is being given head, he is attempting to solve a rubick's cube at the same time of his ejaculation, thus synchroniing the solution and his ejaculation. Then, the woman spits the semen onto the rubick's cube.

"Hey did you get any pussy last night or were you just working on your rubick's cube?"

"No, I had The Rubick Delight".

by MiddKiddG6 December 2, 2010

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Debs Delight

A particular type of oral sex involving the use of a Twinkie or other Little Debbie snack cake usually preformed by inserting the penis into the cake and then sucking on it.

Wow Jonathan thank you for the pleasure. That (Debs Delight) was amazing.

by 3 pac January 29, 2019

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debs delight

A form of oral sex usually involving a Twinkie or other Little Debbie snack cake.

Damn bro I got a hell of a debs delight last night. Let’s just say I replaced the cream in my he Twinkie

by 3 pac January 28, 2019

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abba's delight

Widely known as the favorite egg-based breakfast food of Swedish pop group ABBA; alternatively, the name of an ex-gay ministry group in Lousiville, KY that purports to "cure" people of their homosexual feelings.

"I love Abba's Delight!"
"What?! That place that tries to "cure" gays?"
"No, ABBA's favorite breakfast food!"

by imasofa February 19, 2014

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