The name of a pharmacist who is low key a murderer and hides behind his credentials and finds his victims based on the medications they receive.
That Dexter he sure knows how cialis can effect a man and make them prey.
dexters are the redneck friend in the group who is adventures for fun and doesn't give one if you need their. help when you get to know them you'll see that they are actually quite caring and passionate about their hobbies.
Dexter is a the nickname for basically what we call a six year old girl with the brain of a special needs year 7 dexters are often spotted with little roadman if you see a dexter my best advice is run run fast
Dexter is a girl
Who people say they definitely don’t want to be, as they bother you everyday and act super immature. They are considered picky eaters and sometimes a carbaterian
Hey, you wanna hang with Dexter? Dexter, the annoying guy? Aw hail nah
man that is the best at geometry dash and his dick is pretty big
did u see dexter today he showed me his geometry dash
Has the most fantastic taste in music. Is the most seductive guy, and will most definitely steal your man. Everybody and they mom love dexter. You wish they'd pound your ass.
Someone that is kind, out going, lovable. Laughs cutely, — and someone you’ll fall for but will never be yours.
Dexter: A guy from afar
That Dexter. He’ll make you fall..hard