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An old Highland Cow that likes to smoke weed when it is out on the pasture, munching on delicious hay. YUM.

My best friend is an Eric. When I am around him, my brain gets woozy and I develop and sudden craving for hay.

by Sven Schligenmuehler August 31, 2008

84πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž


A huge pussy who sucks at basketball and is the biggest faggot in the world.

Something an Eric would say "I love Taylor Swift"

by rsgfsgf85sfg December 11, 2012

19πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


a dumbass fucking pothead who finds beautiful girls and steals them away from their friends and turns them into potheads as well. causes them to be constantly grounded. makes them believe he truely loves them then goes and cheats on them. and when the girl finds out about it, all he has to do is say its not true and she believes him.

Why's she gounded this time?
Eric. Duh.

by i know you. August 26, 2008

117πŸ‘ 244πŸ‘Ž


Eric is a sexy beast, he is hot and has a big dick. Eric is the best in bed and is honestly a great guy. Every girl wishes to suck his huge cock. If you ever meet Eric you better be careful as they are really tuff and strong. Eric is funny and has me squirting everytime. Eric is also Really athletic. If you ever meet a Eric make a move to get closer.

I want to suck Eric's Big Dick

by ERIC IS SO SEXYY June 29, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A dumb piece of shit, also known as a poor ass honky or AKA Eric Escamillo

Yo, lets go to B-Town and see Eric so he can bum a cig off of all of us. #Lubetech4lyfe

by 123 trey June 19, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a big hunk of man with a fat ass who lovessss math and loves teaching kids it. even though he’s literally ass at it. he loves baby turtles and children and is a divorce and something of a pedo. NONE of his students likes him and he takes hella mental health days. can never remember to put his mask on

β€œohhh Eric! u forgot to put ur mask on”
β€œcome on over and teach me some math baby ;)”

by EVAN PETERS LOVER March 3, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


He is a homo ginger that loves playing Xbox and used to smoke a lot now he just hooks up with guys and drives around in forza horizon


by ZENBUSH78000 April 12, 2020

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