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Fail, win

When something supposedly bad happens, and then it ends up being something positive and a win.

Frank: Aww man my back hurts and I have to play football.
George: I'm gonna tackle that injured kid.
Frank: Holy Shit I just got tackled, but my back somehow is much better: fail, win.

by Taccoguy August 17, 2009

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Caden Fail

when someone wants to say something over text or facebook chat in CAPS but the last letter comes out as lower case.

Richard: well i g2g, see you tomorrow.


Richard: wow BYEEEEEEe <--- total caden fail.

by sldavis44 July 9, 2010

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stair fail

when someone is walking up or down the stairs and they badly predict where the next step is causing them to miss the step and fall down provoking laughter to the person behind them.

that was the best stair fail ive ever seen!

by Blahblahwhogivesafuck February 19, 2010

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Fail and a half

When one performs a fail, but a fail that is so utterly horrible, that a half is necessary to be added.

Ashley: "Hey, Timmy, I have THE best dance moves like ever dude. You wanna see?"
*Ashley begins doing the moonwalk, then tumbles backwards down three flights of stairs*

Timmy: "HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was a fail and a half!"

by IJustAteAGrapeAndJizzInMyPants April 6, 2010

iron fail

A surprisingly common phenomenon that occurs when a person attempts to close a door with an IronGym attached to the door frame. The subject is astonished to see the door bounce back open and is subsequently humiliated by his friends.

Se7en went into the bathroom and began to close the door, when it suddenly bounced back open, knocking him into the toilet.
"Yeeaaahhh!" Mikl screamed, "You forgot the IronGym hanging in the doorway, faggot, what an iron fail!"
"Shut up. Let's get freaky now," crooned Se7en, fondling his splendid genitalia.

by Midimoto August 13, 2010

Fat Fail

When you are unable to preform a task successfully because of your weight or fat rolls.

Did you see Jen try to pick up the pencil she dropped? What a fat fail.

by mcdok August 30, 2009

fail beans

Remark used when a person does something stupid. Possible combination of "fail" and "cool beans".

Jennifer reached over the table, knocking over the glass of water and spilling it everywhere.

Jennifer: "Oh, crap. Sorry guys."
Everyone else: "Fail beans."

by Slomo#1 September 3, 2009