the one. the girl that would've stayed forever if you were able to love her the way she loved you. if you lost a Gianna you know what it feels like to have had your prayers answered through the perfect woman and then mess it up. Gianna shows you who you are and redefines love. If you were able to keep her you know what if feels like to look at her every day and feel proud of being the type of man or woman who is worthy of her. Gianna has a glow that you'll either spend the rest of your life reminiscing on or cherishing right in front of you.
"I can't stop thinking about Gianna dude"
Gianna is a kind and generous person, she always puts others first unless her family needs her. She isn't always the best friend when it comes to her opinions(especially when its about your love life) but no matter what she's always supportive. Anybody who has a Gianna for a friend should be incredibly thankful and never let her go.
Gianna call me?
Gianna is also one of my besties on the whole world. She is my accomplice and helps me steal snacks from my friend Nadia. She is dirty-minded and goofy. She is funny and blames everything on racism
A Gianna is usually a very short girl. She is very kind and smart. She loves men with names like Cosimo and Noah. She is a loving mother
“Wow that Girl is so short”
“Yeah that’s a gianna!”
loud person so dramatic and is tiring to be around,she never shuts up always talking gianna is built like a box and looks like a rat.
Your a gianna
she is a bitch she is fake as barbie maybe faker
gianna the bitch