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Herman story

A story told in a nasally, droll tone, that has no intrinsic value, and seems to go on forever.

Oh God, here comes Henry. He's probably going to tell us a herman story.

by ArlingtonHilltops March 16, 2009

Herman Ludlow

some guy who sang in a choir and had a deep voice. The guy was very tall, statuesque, and muscular.

hey Fred, did you see that tall statuesque man who just crossed the street? Yes I did. By the way, that guys name is Herman Ludlow. and I heard he can sing good. Well he should come sing at my wedding, and have him sang me and Mrs. Jones.

by May 18, 2023

Herman Munster

The act of sticking a funnel into someone’s anus and loudly yelling into it.

She gave him a Herman Munster, the funnel was fully inserted into his anus while she yelled obscenities into it.

by Random insert name here May 23, 2024