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Hip Pop

Music made to appeal to MTV and pop audiences.

i.e. Hip Pop is: Soulja Boi, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks, T.I., Kanye West, new Jay-Z, T-Pain, and anyone on sucker free for the most part.

by Jesus Number 500 May 6, 2009

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hip hopin

do not ever use this term anywhere at any time, or you will be randomly shot.

hey yo i'm hip hopin...... *bang* *bang* *clack* *clack* *buck* *buck*.....

by rbklassic88 August 12, 2006

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tonk hip

A tonk hip is a friend you really want to shag but cant because either you or them are dating someone.
Sometimes even someone you've loved for time but cant get with.

Fuck me i'd love to shag phoebe but shes too much of a tonk hip.

by musaffa September 19, 2006

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Hamburger Hips

Someone who stole all of the Hamburglar's hamburgers and because of this now has some extra weight on their hips (and mostly likely everywhere else).

Oh Tom used to be skinny but now he has some big 'ole hamburger hips.

by The Hamburglar's Accomplice July 9, 2011

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hip and edgy

1. fashionably current or modern 2. exuding elements of challenge toward societal norms 3. one degree higher than hipsters

Acronym - h&e

"No man, I would never drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, that shit is for hipsters - I'm hip and edgy"

by hipnedgy.com April 9, 2009

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Hip Hands

The ridiculous and jarring photo pose girls make with their hands on their hips and arching their backs to the side.

That photo of you is great! You are totally rocking the hip hands.

by snarftits May 11, 2016

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Cool People, or Hipsters, who belong to an Eponymous Society, where all members have the same name. Hip-eponymous is the next logical step to Googling your own name. You find and friend everyone with your name, and start a group, such as the "Your Name" Society.

I have my own Hip-eponymous group on FaceBook, everyone has the same name as me. ^_^

by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 27, 2010

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