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Blakely is a crazy, sweet, and caring person. She is amazing to her friends and sometimes her sister, but can be a butt to her family. She is mostly beautiful and kind and an AMAZING dancer.

β€œLook at that! Blakely is putting her feet over her head!”

by paytonolivia November 11, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Blake- known as some super hot hacking kid that never looks like a nerd but he is and yeah BIG PENIS! and puffy nipples and pimps all the bitches with the godsmack all well playing some rs and some wow and cod mw2 and some halo 3 all at the same fucking time niggers all in all blake is pro sauce (sexy hair!) *quite voice* venmtrillio ownz ;D

Alexa: Blake wanna come chill?

Blake: sure let me pwn some noobs on cod and halo first ;D

Alexa: kk so ull come after

Blake: no fuck that lemme rat some nerds then come

Alexa:Fine but you have a big wee wee

Blake: Ik ik calm ur bean ill make it rain later ;D

Alexa: what?

Blake: by that i mean make it rain money and pussy juice ;D

Alexa: fuck yeahhh ^_^

by Alexa666111 July 11, 2010

24πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


You people are all stupid. Blake isn't just a guys name. I know and am very crazy about a GIRL at my school named Blake. She is beautiful, amazing and overall just the best girl you could ever meet.

Teacher: Where is Blake today?

Student 1: I don't know. She should be here

Student 2: Damn, she is beautiful.

by soccer_broy40 December 11, 2013

12πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


There is a definition I just don’t know it

Blake is in a sentence now

by I_funny_right February 15, 2019

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A Blake is a Comedy relief character of life. He is smart in mechanics but idiodic in real life situations. He usually plays childrens games such as Pokemon, Bayblade, and/or Yugioh, and spends most of the day play XBOX. He can usually be found in a darker skin tone (Friends call him Black) and a small, but noticeable 'fro. He is a liar at times at falls in love with girls who are somewhat unattractive. He makes weird noices that sound like geese, moose, or a clown. He can have many nicknames that range from B-Flake, Dr.Beef, Doctor Beuf, Blake Blake, ect. He is found all over the world, but the worlds famous Blake lives in Dawson City, Canada

Guy 1: Dude, Why are you using a level 5 Squirtle against a level 100 Pikachu?
Blake:Shut up I know what Im doing
"Squirtle just fainted"
Guy 1: Geeez, what a Blake

by B-Flake June 21, 2011

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Coolest guy you know, gets any bitch (or guy) he wants, and better than you in every way. Yet you can’t help but adore them

Ben: I met this dude named Blake
Johnny: damn Ben didn’t know you were hanging out with the cool kids

by Urbandefiner1888 January 20, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A loser. A loser who can’t hold his liquor and he’s also fat even though he thinks he’s ripped. Sad.

A1: look at that guy on the bench press.
A2: I see him, must be named Blake. His face is so unlikeable. I’d love to punch him right in that stupid face.

by SphincterGoblin January 12, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž