The defenition of sex. An erotic, sacred item to be worn as a head dress. Causes su-obsessed males and females to orgasm on sight. Can be worn with anything, or without anything. Only one god-like male has been able to do it justice. Can also be used to replace sexual lingo and as sexual innuedo.
"Last night was crazy...I got kamikaze headband'd all over my face."
To be hit by a car showed no signs of putting on the brakes.
That girl was a kamikaze. She blew the stop sign and wiped out that other car. She didn't touch the brakes.
When a guy secretly takes off his condom during sex
"You know that fuckboy?"
"Apparently he pulled a Kamikaze on Samantha last week"
The technique of going out to a bar quite late with the express purpose of finding somewhere to stay for the night, considered a popular and flashy maneuver among traveling businessmen.
Well, I would really like to pocket the hotel per diem from this job; I'm gonna try and pull a kamikaze at that club we passed on the way to the office.
when you jerk off to hard with a sock over your dick and your dick in hand.Then it instantly puts you to sleep. just like the fighter pilots from japan.
I had to hit a quick kamikaze before i went to sleep last night.
A person who sacrifices them self for the sake of others. This person has a hard time saying no and will work intensely to help someone else, even when knowing it will hurt themself in the process. This can lead to this person having mental distress and anxiety that they then compensate for by taking on more work in order to suppress their need for help. Selfless to the extreme.
“How does she have time to sleep being involved in so many things? She’s a real kamikaze.”
“He’s gonna become a kamikaze if he keeps this up”