Source Code

to pull a kristen

to revoke your signature from something

sorry man i know i signed that petition but im gonna have to pull a kristen on this one

by Gay House Vlogs May 7, 2018

Doing a Kristen

Trolling, but worst. Even a troller could not troll that much.

That teacher cancelled two lessons in a row for no reason. I think he's doing a Kristen.

by OuiYeti October 9, 2020

Doing a Kristen

Trolling, but worst. Even a troller could not troll that much.

The teacher cancelled two lessons in a row for no reason. I think he's doing a Kristen

by OuiYeti October 9, 2020

kristen x rossing

the best ship in the world, no doubt they can’t keep denying their feelings!

kristen x rossing is the best ship

by savriena June 4, 2023

kristen bunce

A Step down from Goddess!

Kristen bunce

by BunceAlmighty August 25, 2010

kristen rodriguez

A bitch that kicks people out out of places

My english teacher is a kristen rodriguez

by Wolf call September 6, 2022

Billie Kristen hall

Every Billie Kristen hall is a mom and is 40

Everyone: Billie Kristen hall is Old
Billie: yea I am

by Nate doggy dog April 10, 2023