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Cerys louise cameron


here u ken that cerys louise cameron , aye she’s solid

by horsehorseyass November 23, 2021

Louise Ludmiła Leszczyńska

A very based person who created the Belarusian empire, her server is chill and based
Plus it’s a anti communist one

Wow Louise Ludmiła Leszczyńska is such a cool and giga chad person

by Ludmiła June 8, 2021

sarah louise jolley

1. sarah louise jolley

2. james' mother

1. all the single ladies want to be like sarah louise jolley! sarah lou is my icon.

2. have you seen sarah louise jolley!? she is one fit MILF.

by rico narsty November 18, 2021

Louise Cheesus

Louise Cheesus is a god who makes everyone pray to her and she is likely super fruity and evil.

Nellie: Have you recently praised our cheesy god , Louise Cheesus
Ben: No I have not recently praised our cheesy god

by Yeeting goats again August 11, 2021

Louise Cheesus

She will be the cheesy version of jesus and make everyone praise her or death will be imminent she is also an eshay and very fruity

Nelly: Have you worshipped out one and only fruity god?
Ben: no I have not worshipped Louise Cheesus however I appreciate her cheesy ness

by Yeeting goats again August 11, 2021

Georgia Louise martin

Georgia Louise Martin is usually called G. She is absolutely stunning but people often overlook how pretty she is because her friends are hotter. She has an amazing body and an amazing personality. She is kind and funny and smart and she always has a smile plastered on her face. She is good at literally every sport and succeeds in every subject at school. She is going to do amazing things one day. However Georgia Louise martin’s seem to always have a lot of things going on at home that you don’t know about. If you see her down. Approach her and give her a hug. That’s all she needs. Keep her in your life and hold her as close as you can because trust me you are lucky to have her.

She is very talented. She must be a Georgia Louise Martin

by Namedefiner1234321 April 11, 2018

Louise Edwards

a hot person that id fuck

you know Louise edwards
yes they're the really hot person

by Hello mate? September 11, 2021