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Motorboat Magee

Motorboat Magee is the name you call your partner when playing lighthouse in the bath tub

Yes honey you have to wear the captains hat and answer to Motorboat Magee

by Christian Ellis February 10, 2016

jamie magee

Womanizing bigot who loves to play victim



I can't believed i trusted jamie magee

by JCSmalls December 21, 2016


In World of Warcraft game if a mage doesn't block when it's needed to, he's called sha-mage.

- Nice mage.
- Nope, just another sha-mage.

by Shamage November 30, 2009

ruby magee

what a fitty

holy moly is that ruby magee what a fitty

by May 10, 2021

Maged joke

A witty comment or play of words designed to be understood by intellectuals of the highest order. It usually elicits mild amusement.

Mike: I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not sure.
Jason: haha, great Maged joke!

by UDSubmitters October 21, 2013

Mage Status

When you consume enough cans of beer so that when they are stacked one on top of another, they surpass your height. The stack of beer cans is taped together to create a staff - the ultimate symbol of drinking intenseness. Once mage status is reached, that person is a guaranteed boss.

Also known as Wizard Status.

-Fuck boys we are so gonna acchieve mage status tommorow.

-What a boss, he acchieved mage status

by ...riel... April 14, 2011


M- Massively A- Amazing G-Gnome E- Edit

Did see that mage dude? Yea, it was awesome!

by curiosgorg July 6, 2024