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milky bobbins

1) a band in the north west of england

2) very large breasts

3) a sexual act involving bovines and humans

1) person 1. there is a milky bobbins gig tonight are you going
person 2. nah i'll give it a miss

2) that lass has got a fair pair of milky bobbins

3) the farmer was caught milky-bobbinin' by the local paper. now his family have disowned him and he has elloped with the cow in question

by shiteston August 12, 2008

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Milky Way

When a man titty fucks a women so hard that the women lactates, and the man proceeds to use that breast milk as anal lubricant.

Shit dude i gave Lisa the old milky way last night it was great

by skeeto February 23, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Milky twilight

The vision you have after someone ejaculates in your eyes, looking through the lens of semen.

Through the Milky twilight, she struggled to find a towel on the bedroom floor.

by Pottsy2020 January 4, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

milky eye

pre cum, prem ejact,...

She's so fit she gave my trouser snake a milky eye

by treggsy January 8, 2008

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The Milky Way

A sexual act when a lactating woman is riding a man, she reaches around and grabs his nuts with one hand and squirts her boob milk in the mans face at the same time.

My husband asked me for The Milky Way lastnight so he could taste my breast milk.

by Health services December 4, 2018

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Mama milkies

Mama milkies are the girl versions of nuts, boys just love the milkies

Mama milkies

by Bunny blue September 6, 2021

Mama Milkies

(.)(.) Mama Milkies are boobs

She has big mama milkies, dayum.

by I'm sorry mom September 6, 2021