The feeling of being disconnected from all traditional senses of morality, growing disenchanted by societal values.
Gurl, she bein' so fake right now that if she died a fiery death, I'd just be sittin' back, drownin' in moral disengagement, gurl.
When someone claims they have certain morals regarding circumstances on an issue of particular ideologically favorable subject matter, but when the same circumstances the same issue are applied to an ideologically unfavorable subject matter, their defenses and attacks based on that moral are absent, or now opposed.
She believes Ms. Ford about the sexual assault with no evidence against the Judge, but didn't believe 5 women about a sexual assault against her husband. She is a real Morality Pimp.
Someone who holds no moral standard sacred has no true moral standards. Just like anyone can say god bless you (or even write a song about god) without believing in any god, anyone can claim to have moral standards.
A lot of people who claim that they lowered their moral standards are full of shit, they never believed in any of the moral standards they said they had in the first place. They never really believed in the rules they behaved within, but for some reason mindlessly kept behaving within these rules, norms, and standards, unless everyone else was breaking them, then they'd go along with the crowd and do what the crowd was doing so they didn't end up standing or being alone. They would range from wholesome, plain, and almost Puritan (no cursing, arrest everybody for being human) to anarchist, depending on what everyone else around them was saying/doing. A true coward is not someone afraid to stand, it's someone afraid to stand alone.
A hard drive containing "morale". Used by deployed military in areas where internet is scarce or unavailable. Typically contains movies from last year, though often will contain porn as well. Often kept hidden amidst enlisted members, as command typically believes morale to be "unprofessional"
"Any chance we can get better porn on the Morale Drive?"
"What? Aren't the bootleg movies we bought from the locals good enough?"
Someone who cant see the lighter side of life. Glass half empty kind of person who's whole goal in life is to suck the morale out of every person they meet. Usually the one finding a problem when there isnt one....
Shit dude, stop complaining, you're a flippin morale vortex you are.
When someone does not subscribe to any particular type of morality or and is flexible with values. And switches between them as its convenient
You can find them mostly among people who want to have it both ways
Jane is having an open relationship on her end but will flip if her partner sees anyone else. When it comes to relationships she is morally agnostic...