Source Code


bint slag slut whore tart

That wifeys a right mint-munt

by Katejabba December 10, 2005

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Falcon Munt!

A phrase shouted out shortly before throwing up (munting) after drinking too much. A play on the phrase "Falcon Punch!" made popular by Captain Falcon in the video game series 'Super Smash Bros'.

Tom: "Geez, Pat looks like he's gonna munt!"
Pat: "Uh oh...FALCON MUNT!" *vomits everywhere*

by lefs1789 March 4, 2007

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munting lover

Someone who loves digging up Corpses and jumping on their stomachs to drink the decomposed juices that gush out of their assholes.

Luke chadwick is a munting lover :)

by nickbarnesss March 7, 2009

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Munt Uury

A noun.
Said "muh-nt ur-ree".
This is a ghetto version of "Mount Airy", or Mt. Airy, Maryland, occasionally used by those who actually grew up or currently live in Mt. Airy. Used by all races.
(Anyone who isn't from Mt. Airy shouldn't use this slang.)

People from Mt. Airy get looked at weird when they say it, but they don't care because that's where they grew up or currently live. If you aren't from Mt. Airy, why the hell would you want to get looked at weird for saying the name of a place where you don't even live?! Don't say it.

I'm from Munt Uury, yo. Represent!

I be reppin' Munt Uury, playa.

by proud CaCo chick October 25, 2006

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Munting Menace

A girl or boy who is so drunk that they Munt everywhere causing general chaos.

Tim: Daniel What the fuck you munted all over my car
Daniel: Fuck dude i don't remember shit

drunk teen 1: dude look at Mike he is such a munting menace

drunk teen 2: yeah he just munted in Aarons drink

by Killerbogan November 26, 2011

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dibble munt

The act of shooing a woman in the face as she sucks your dick.

Oh yeah, that bitch cheated on me. She's definitely getting the dibble munt tonight.

by BobbyBigNigga October 29, 2015

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Hunt the Munt

A game where a group of people (usually men) go out on the pull with the aim of kissing and/or taking home the ugliest person they can find. The person who gets the ugliest wins. Also called "Pork the Pig" and "Fuck the Frog"

Oh my god, Michael won Hunt the Munt last night - he took home an absolute skank

by RazzaMcAzza July 17, 2009

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