This phrase, is use mostly for vsco girls, it means, like "upps"
and i opp my hydro flask fell out
When coming together with or collaborating with a group/organization that is considered the opps.
Ex. We in the opp pot, put them in the opp pot, the opp pot is actually pretty chill lol.
Person 1- “They really don’t fuck with these people, yet we’re working with them lol”.
Person 2- “true, we in the opp pot for sure lmao”.
2nd May is celebrated as opps day for all those retards that are OPPs in your own team
Yoo she should be celebrated on national opps day
An opp-lover is a person who associates with/ is kinfolk to/ supports/ and/or presides in the company of your opps. An opp-lover may not directly be in active competition with you, but they are no less of a threat, and are even less deserving of respect/humility, as they are passively against you. They don't choose up, they wade in the middle, switching sides constantly, playing both teams, they stand for nothing, they are usually a 'yesman', and they are never worth having around. Opp-lovers are almost worse than an actual opp.
Michael knows how malicious Xavier is and how badly he treated me, yet they were hanging out together yesterday. What a squishy little opp-lover.
When mentioning the word King opp , Pelon gotta be in the sentence
Ean The Opp, The sentence to describe your worst enemy
Ayo, Watch out for Ean The Opp