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Shinjitsu ni tōtatsu suru koto wa kesshite nai!

A somehow popular phrase said by Gold Experience Requiem (Giorno Giovanna's requiem stand) after activating it's ability "Return to zero" while Diavolo was erasing time, translates to: "You will never reach truth"
The phrase is usually used only as a reference but sometimes it can be used to hide something that you know from others, jojo fans or not.

Person A: How did you do that?
Person B: Shinjitsu ni tōtatsu suru koto wa kesshite nai!

by Frosted Fool December 3, 2019

209👍 5👎

veri nais

The term "veri nais" is a Swedish slang term often used by the Youtuber 'Anomaly' to refer to something thats good.

There doing a Giveaway and it's veri nais!

by lynxer December 26, 2017


When you’ve had a night on the md and you’re trying to fuck a bird but your dick is saying no

Dude I went back with her to her hotel but I had MDM-Nay, fml

by samwisetheslumpgod March 28, 2021


fucking whore like kanye west

nai is a fucking whore

by sexydemon4 August 22, 2022




by xiakl August 28, 2022


The best person you could ever meet on vr chat and it will end with your dad leaving

You Know Nai's a amazing guy just im sad my dads gone

by UwU Nai September 8, 2021


the so called nai scream is the best way to know that the nai monster is in your area , if she is you should be aware to her location and the location of her cubsw the nai kids be afraid of the nai monster and if you won't she will send you cringey picturs of hilay derai or emre till the end of your life.

Nai shouted the nai monster the kid tried to run but he couldn't and after 9 minuts of cringey photos he .became a monster himself

by EMRENEEMAN March 22, 2017