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step daddy, moms boyfriend, or who ever is sleeping with your mamma at the time.

2nd grade inner city teacher talking to her student.

teacher "so jordyn whos picking you up today"

student "my nig-dad"

teacher "your what??"

student "my nig-dad"

teacher "whats a nig-dad jordyn??"

student "you know my step daddy, my mammas boyfriend"

by Bridgette and Lauren April 12, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

jedi nig

Sam Jackson, you little shit

I am the greatest Jedi Nig this side of the ghetto.

by Tom Jones June 16, 2003

40๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

nig tag

v., to play a game of nig tag, simply accompany your african american parents to Wal-Mart and then run around chasing eachother bumping in to every senior citizen you can. Bonus points are given for knocking the senior down, with the maximum points given for breaking their hips. (see also nig knocking)

"Tyrone and Jerome we're playing a rather rambunctious game of nig tag, and their parents seemed to encourage it!"

by johnny lake May 31, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

nig nap

1. v., NOTE: any race can take a nig nap. All one needs to do is to fall asleep on the job while ON THE CLOCK. take note: It is actually more difficult for an african american to NIG NAP due to the fact that one must have a legitimate job in the first place to nig nap at. Be mindful...a negro falling asleep at his CRACKHOUSE does not constitute NIG NAPPING.
2. n., A nig nap refers to the hair-condition of an african-american female, especially in the early morning.

1. "If johnny gets caught NIG NAPping by the boss, it'll be the end of him, he'll be fired!"
2. guy #1:"shaniqua has quite a NIG NAP going on this morning, eh!"
guy #2:"Yeah, she needs to STEAL HERSELF some no-lye relaxer to tame that BEAST!!!".

by johnny lake May 31, 2008

83๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nig Nog

This phrase has absolutely _no_ racial dimension, despite appearances. It is a Northern British (e.g. Yorkshire) term referring to a silly person. It does not derive from nigger and should not be considered racist at all.

Tha cawn't even spell thi own name -th'art a bluddy nig nog

by Christopher P. Martin April 9, 2006

3520๐Ÿ‘ 1324๐Ÿ‘Ž

top nig

1. To be above or higher ranking than all other surrounding nigs.
2. Not to be confused with the black guy from Top Gun, Sundown.

When you are wanting to get something done when involving a group of nigs, this is how you would handle the situation. "So, who's top nig around here?"

That way you will know who can really get shit done for you, and not some wannabe punk ass bitch.

by Drew "top nig" Ray November 30, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

nig rigged

something that has broken but has been fixed badly to work.

A: hey i though yo pipe was broke
T: naw jit i nig rigged that shit

by Da Moo Man October 1, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž