Source Code

parental controls

Software designed by parents to keep their children from discovering new things about life.

The kid could not bypass the parental controls to get what he needed.

by BounceFire December 2, 2021

Asian Parents

Are people who gave birth to you and fed you so therefore they think they can control you. They play mind games, are passive aggressive, manipulative, and are generally just very negative people. Most asian parents have problems themselves and they tend to take it out on their kids either knowingly or unknowingly. Most asian parents are negative because they want to think the worse before it even happens. If you go out late at night to the movies or whatever, they would think you were partying and drinking instead. Although this may be true for some kids (sneaking out and doing drugs...etc) not all kids are like this. They tend to listen to their friends/relatives stories about bad stuff and they think that their own kids are bad too. They generalize wayy too much. Asian parents think their kids are bad if they get a B on their report card. They will act as if it's the end of the world if you don't get into: UCLA, USC, HARVARD, STANFORD, OXFORD, PRINCETON, or any other brand named schools that charges an arm and a leg to attend to.

Unfortunately, many new asian parents that end up in America will do the same to their kids. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The new generation of asian americans will never treat their kids the same... so therefore the chain will be broken. We will know better, listen to our kids, trust them, and be their guide rather than their dictator. There is hope for the next generation of american parents out there...

Examples of Asian Parents:

Mom: I am your mother, you HAVE to listen to me. If I say jump you ask 'how high'

Dad: Sometimes will beat you with a whip. (BTW, kids if this happens to you call the cops please. It's called child abuse)

Both Parents: So and so got into Harvard, why didn't you get into Harvard? You're so stupid... studying on how to become a technician? What???? OMG, MY SON/DAUGHTER IS A FCKEN FAILURE.

Mom talking to her 10 year old: Your sister got into a good school, has a good job, married a doctor, has 2 kids... what do you do huh?? Sit at home playing video games all day?

Dad: Son, when you grow up you have to be better than everyone else. it's not enough that you succeed, everyone else must fail.

by YourMommmmmy July 26, 2011

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band parents

A group of very dedicated people who work tirelessly to help assist high school marching bands. These are usually parents of current or sometimes former band members, and they will often assist in all kinds of band-related activities, from helping with band camps to loading instruments on busses and selling concessions. They can also be found involved in fundraisers and trying to make sure their kid actually sells some band candy this year. Also sometimes known as band boosters, these individuals are often instrumental (no pun intended) to keeping a high school band on its feet.

The band parents helped unload the instrument bus, then they made sure all the band uniforms had been put back correctly. Finally, at 11:30 at night, they went home.

by andriod5 September 24, 2005

87๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian Parents

Probably the #1 source of why Asian teens commit suicide.

Asian parents will always be hyopcrites, and you can't do anything about it. Reasoning with them will result in an one-hour lecture about how tough THEIR life was. If you get below an A or B you will recieve a beating, confiscation of your things, a beating, and an insane amount of work on that subject. They will also yell at you in public and embrass you in AN INFINITE amount of ways.

by ArtificialItelligienceDataSys May 27, 2010

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Parental Advisory

Advertising ploy aimed at children and young adults

We should put a parental advisory on our crummy album so it will sell

by LilSexy April 6, 2004

135๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

God parent

Guardians who agree to love and care for the child as their own. A second set of parents if you will. They promise to be there to guide the child and teach them right from wrong, to love and nurture them as their parents would. In the event that the biological parents should both pass away, the godparents agree to accept the child as their own.

We are so thankful Anna has god parents who spend so much time with her.

by Godwilling June 1, 2017

110๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian parents

Asian parents are the sole parental units and source of guidance for their children. Although often accepted and respected by their peers in the community as members of society, it is common knowledge among their children that they are actually controlling and manipulative with old fashioned ideals, ridiculously high expectations, and no care in the world for the actual dreams and desires of their progeny. Most, but luckily not all, Asian children are subject to the strict rulings constantly doled out by their parents. A traditional Asian upbringing will often include harsh rules which prevent children from ever being themselves or being with the few friends they are allowed to have, and will instead force upon them summers and free weekends anguishing over textbooks of material they are not expected to cover in years. Grades below an A are completely unacceptable and the children will be made aware of this well before they even begin school, as every exploit -from walking to talking-will be made a competition between children and the children of his parents peers. Addionally, Asian children are expected to do exceptionally in a great deal of extra-curriculars, most notably music and school clubs. Awards and honors are practically a must. Asian parents will provide eternal self-degradation due to the fact that they consistently compare their children to other equally suffering Asian children who succeeded after many miserable years of no fun and back-breaking studying. Most victims of this sort of abuse end up never feeling worthy of love or success, and never feel that they are "enough" for their parents. The method, admittedly, does work and so most Asian children do end up at some of the greatest schools. However, this is at the great cost of the children's emotional and mental stability -no doubt reflected in the incredible percentage of Asian students in depression or suicidal. Those who do make it through their higher education will be guilted by the antiquated sense of filial piety instilled within them by their parents and most likely seek a career in medicine or law as their parents wish.

Child: Well, maybe I don't want to go to Harvard! Maybe I want to go to art school!
Parents: NO MOTIVATION! YOU ARE NOTHING! No one with sense would pursue a career like art. Art will not feed your old parents when we are old and retired. Stephanie Wang has more work than you, but SHE STILL PLAYS VIOLIN ALL THE TIME, AND NOW SHE'S GOING TO YALE!
Child: Well, I'm not perfect. You caught me!

by tiredoflivingstrangersdreams June 4, 2009

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