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Playground Peanut

The act of leaving a small peanut sized shit inside the baby swing at your local playground for an unfortunate soul to set their child in.

Honey, Honey don't set Kevin in that one, last time he left a Playground Peanut

by AShrekle February 9, 2018

Peanut hairs

Shit particles that latches on your butt hole hair.

After taking a shit Kelli decided to eat my peanut hairs

by Conklol July 5, 2013

Peanut in the Turd

The one positive thing about something that is awful in every other way.

Otis: "Hey, Gunther, have you seen any of the Twilight movies?" Gunther: "Yeah, they were awful. Alice was pretty hot though. She was definitely the PEANUT IN THE TURD."

by AllTheGoodNamsAreTaken September 15, 2013

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butt peanuts

(Noun) The hardened globules of fecal matter that cling to anal hair with the strength of epoxy resin after one has failed to wipe adequately following defecation.

Sometimes used as an expression of annoyance and/or frustration

I was about to give this gorgeous boi a good rimming, but put my tongue away when I saw butt peanuts

I forgot to turn off the kettle. Butt peanuts!

by vanderspoor August 3, 2011

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Peanut Bulb

A bulb mainly used in the automotive industry with the identification number "194". They are commonly used as license plate light, parking light, etc.

The main reason behind it's name is that it is actually the perfect size of a typical peanut and because these bulbs are so common, and asked at the parts counter so often, it has been given it's own affinitive name: peanut bulb.

Hey Joe, I need two peanut bulbs for repair order number 1234.

Right peanut bulb out! (During a light check)

by Michael the mechanic. December 29, 2012

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Wasabi Peanuts

Wasabi Peanuts are small, green, frozen balls of Hate that are shat out by the Devil. Easily confused with candied chocolates (at first visual inspection).

Guy 1 to Guy 2: "... so they were like these little green frozen balls of hate that the Devil shat out"

(Random Guy walks in at end of conversation): You mean wasabi peanuts?

Guy 1: Yeah. It's amazing that you knew exactly what I meant by that.

by farmboyandapirate January 20, 2012

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peanut gallery

term used on the '50s tv show "Howdy Doody" for the audience of kids.

Buffalo Bob would say "Let's ask the peanut gallery", refering to the kids in the audience

by bnquail August 23, 2008

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