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preppies always think others are freaks.

preppies are only polite if they need to be at the moment.

when you are not looking, a preppy will stab you in the back

and laugh as you fall off their boat and float out into the sea.

then they will come with their boat and drive over you, telling you that you need to clean up your act and not curse so much and not drink and try to knock their boat over and to use better grammar, etc.. then the preppies will not let you try to swim back to shore. when you go crazy the preppies pull out their antique guns that have been made new for the future. the bad preppy who likes elite german heavy metal or vampire weekedn but also attends an elite school tries to shoot you. you duck. hold your breath and swim for your life. when you make your millions, you will come back and kick their asses.

preppy from cape cod, harvard, new york, wherever else they come from i dont know--

by thefreaklivesanddoesnthaveapro March 13, 2010

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Though the Preps on the East Coast get ALL the attention, from TV shows such as Gossip Girl, you can't just think that its the East only has a "Prep" Class.

Well, honey, welcome to the West Coast.

The West Coast Prep is like the stereotypical east coast prep, with a twist. One major difference is that WCPreps aren't as 'racist' (you may say) than the ECPrep. There are black & white preps, and any other race (though the other races are kind of hard to find). WCPreps are known for being more relaxed about the whole race issue.

For fashion- WCPreps tend to be more vogue/celebrity with thier clothes and accessories. Theres more 'bling' found on the West Coast than the traditional ECPrep would have.

A true WEST COAST preppy is someone who:
Wears (yet isn't limited to)
Clothes: North Face, Juicy, Lacoste, Penguin, Le Tigre, Brooks Brothers, J. Crew, Seven for All Mankind, Citizens of Humanity, True Religion, Joe's, Rock & Republic. Just designer clothing, in general.
Accessories: Any designer sunglass (Preferably Chanel, Dior), diamonds (not pearls), vintage jewelry, Chanel/Louis Vuitton handbags, LeSportsac , Totes(occasionally, during the summer).
**REMINDER** Just because you own some of these items, it doesn't mean you are a 'prep'
WCPreps don't wear as much bright color as the east coast which is famous for their 'pink and lime green' for girls and 'blues and whites' for the guys. The WCPrep MUST own as much black, white, and grey as they can. This applies mostly to the NW corner (Seattle, Washington) but if you move down to CA, such as the famous Laguna & Newport beaches, you find more flip-flops, swimsuits, totes, sunglasses & definitely MORE COLOR.

WCPreps, like the ECPreps are always looking neat & pulled together, and usually they have the most money and drive the best cars. They are not to be confused with fashionistas or just any other popular kid- the West Coast Prep will occasionally dress according to the latest celebrity stile, but isn't found to have their own sort of 'personal' style. The WCPreps do occasionally shop mainstream, but still find a way to be 'higher class' and unique.

Though an unwritten rule, the WCPrep attends a private school (In Seattle: Lakeside, U Prep, Seattle Prep, SAAS), then attend IVY League schools, or international schools. This is a symbol of how well off the Prep is. They usually hang out with only each other (but some still accept others outside of their 'circle'), and have known each other for a long time (anywhere from 4 years to their whole life- but years varies on how cool you are/much money you have).

Preppies vacation anywhere in the world- many have houses on the islands of Hawaii, Mexico, Cabins in Canada, or Yachts in the Caribbean or Europe. Sometimes they also vacation to the East Coast, but usually only if they have family there. There aren't really any family histories at many of these places, but they are modern, hip, and perfect places to party.

(Excerpted from the 'preppy' definition from sayler)
"It is a common misconception that preppies are snobs. Many people view them as unapproachable, and as a result mislabel them. Preppies are not as rich as people may think they are, but they are often well off. They buy into classics rather than trends, and don't change their lifestyles with fads.
Preppies tend to have bizarre connections with other preppies they meet, always finding mutual friends/ family and people that run in the same circle."

WCPreps are just like ECPreps in this way (and i did take reference of this before, if you're wondering why you think you're hearing the same thing over)

Although they seem perfect, perfection has to be set by a group of rules--

WEST COAST Preppies don't
(also excerpted from 'preppy' definition by sayler):
* Wear tight, skin exposing clothing (i.e. fitted Abercrombie sexual t shirts with tight flared jeans, but they can wear cute Abercrombie polos/jackets/sweatshirts , and jeans that aren't showing their butts)
* Limit themselves to mall shopping and chain stores, WCPREPS: They are allowed to shop at Nordstrom- a true West Coast company that supplies them with high fashion & accessories, as well as unique labels. You cant find a lot of unique boutiques in Seattle.
* Wear heavy makeup and endless hair products. The phrase "less is more" is a preppy creed. This applies to EVERY PREP.
* Glue purses to their arms, especially when going to school. Lip gloss and if need be, a wallet, are thrown into tote/Lesportsac bags along with books. (WCPreps are also allowed to carry backpacks- we tend to be smarter, but the purse rules applies)
* NICE SHOES ARE A MUST!- Any designer shoes, pumps, and sneakers (no messy sneakers--- Chuck Taylors are definitely allowed, but Sketchers??? SO OUT!)
* NO FAKE DESIGNER CLOTHES/BAGS/ANYTHING ELSE!!! You will be kicked out of the Prep class forever, and I know this sounds mean, but it is true.
* NO MYSPACE WHORES- Facebook is so much classier than myspace.

Other things that are the same between EC/WC Preps:
They play the same sports
Drive the same cars
Have formal, rich, and fabulous families, some with deep family roots with the city, or with the school they attend.
Live in humongous, or just bigger-than-average houses
Go to amazing, private schools
Own other 'playthings' such as boats, the most expensive phones, etc.

Now leaving you on that note...
Preps remember: You know they love us!!!

The two girls thought Sienna looked so stereotypically prep- with her own West Coast twist. She wore a new white North Face, her dark Rock & Republic Jeans, Black Lacoste, White Chucks, rhinestone studded black aviators, and held Grey Juicy bag. She stepped out of her Black C-Class Mercedes she got for her 16th Birthday the year before, and kissed her perfect Lacrosse-playing boyfriend, Anthony, as they headed towards the party.
She truly lived a perfect, preppy life.

by istayflyyy November 1, 2007

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Preppy, also spelled, "Preppie," originally just meant someone who went to a prep school and got a good education. Now it is typically used very differently.

Someone labelled as a preppy (or preppie) is usually a youth, most likely middle-class or above, who wears brand-name clothes like Abercrombie & Fitch, listens to the popular music, hangs with the popular people, does reasonably well in school, and fits in well. There are many traits that people would call preppy, such as wearing polo shirts with the collar popped.

The word evolved from the term, "Yuppie," which stood for, "Young Urban Professional." Some Preppies are children of Yuppies.

While this of course can't be said for all people labelled, "Preppy," they are often critized for their excessive consumerism and conformity. While usually not rude to less popular kids, they tend to exclude. Some might thoerize that, from a psychological point of view, they rely on the latest clothes, music, and sometimes cars for self-esteem and that they use these items to define themselves and find meaning in their lives. But despite the time, money, and effort they spend to enhance their personal appearance and stand out among their peers, in the end they often seem indifferent to each other.

Past their clean exteriors, it isn't unknown for them to be heavy users of drugs and alchohol, and to have permiscuous sex; But this doesn't in any way mean that all of them, or even most of them, are like this.

"There is an idea of a Preppie; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real Preppie: only an entity, something illusory. And though you can shake their hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your lifestyles are probably comparable... they simply aren't there."

"He's cool, but he's too preppy, always wearing Abercrombie and stuff like that, you know?"

by BlackRainbow March 27, 2007

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A large social group consisting of shitheads who think they are above everybody else because they don't pay for shit with their own money. They never have to work hard for anything, so later in life when they go broke, they end up on Bravo in some stupid reality TV show.

If you wanna see preppy people, watch Bravo.

by enigma.rain February 22, 2008

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conformity, yaeh some are a little stuck up at times. i don't hate all preppys just the ones with attitudes also some preppys are parent pleasers.

i don't care how people dress i just don't like tennis or golf and i think expensive schools are overated

by atheist austin July 5, 2005

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preppy is people that wear clothes such as abercrombie and american eagle...they dont have to be all proper but they have to own atleast 3 polo shirts.

wtf is wrong w/being preppy!

by becky February 26, 2005

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*The Modern Prep*

Gee, I learned the word preppy from urban dictionary.com by reading more than 20 definitions.

I guess, preppy is a life style, if you guys wanna call it that. (Most of the definition writers are probably wanna-be preps anyway, thinking that they're preps :D, or girls lol. you guys are pathetic, and preppy girls hate, A&F girls awww... prob coz the A&F guys look better and they can't get em? lol)

But you guys definately want to segregate yourselves from the rest of the world, thinking your so special. I guess, I would do the same if I could have. But I guess I can't cause I'm poor as shit. (and now I know what you preps think about yourselves, I would never want to be a prep, and so I go beyond the prep. Preps suck, and I will shit on preps.)

And so, that is why they exist, the modern prep:
1) Simple One, or two colored clothings.
2) Stripe is too sophisticated design.
3) Do not follow the trend.
4) Do not follow other preps.
5) Wear and do what you enjoy.
6) Express by dressing.
7) You are naked without a necklace or bracelet
8) You do not wear rings, because they're uncomfortable.
9) You have long shaggy hair.
10) You have deep thoughts but you don't tell other people because it's not possible to communicate.
11) You do not brag.
12) Must have more than 20 polos, even same colors. You even have more than 2 jeans that are exactly the same.
13) Non-baggy/Non-tight Jeans.
14) Ripped Jeans.
15) Ripped white plain hanes with holes.
16) Pants are all over 100 bucks.
17) Buy expensive wear, and rip the brand tag off ( around the left nipple area )
18) You are not scared.
19) You are intelligent and do extremely well in school. 3.6gpa and up
20) You enjoy by doing, not talking
21) You are not a hypocrate.
22) You listen to classical music, and donetello's david is your favorate sculpture.
23) You make your own music.
24) You are a great drawer/painter.
25) You are creative.
26) You do not listen to anybody/anything, you are motivated by what you like.
27) If it's been done before, you abandon it.
28) Modern preps don't get along with other modern preps.
29) You hate religion.
30) You do not have group sex.
31) You don't meet somebody that night and sleep with him/her.

Then you're a modern prep.

BUT you will never be it even if you wanted to because:
1) You're not smart enough.
2) You're a hypocrate.
3) You're your parent's slave.
4) You're scared.
5) You think that religion may exist, while we burn bibles.
6) You're not artsy, and thus can not be a true thinker.
7) Never will be extremely rich.
8) ** You think you're satisfied with your life. While others keep climbing up. If this motion is relative, you will be down someday :D **

The preps looked like nothing but geeks in the face of modern preps.

by History May 23, 2005

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