Protecticated - Verb
Pulling a condom over ones head and saying "I am protecticated"
Protectication - Adjective
When you pull a condom over someones head and tell them they are now Protecticated
Leah ran away with Jasper, and so Rika, whom wanted Jasper ran up to him, pulled a condom on his head and shouted "protecticated", she followed through by grabbing Jasper and legging it like mad.
Emily watched as Rika pulled a condom out and put it on her head, she was puzzled by the thought that Rika was now shouting protectivated until Rika pulled out on her head, shouting "you are now protecticated"
The term used for when a usually nice looking,popular girl has sex with a popular boy which gives them protection because the “friends” of the girls and boys will form a barrier from hate . An example of this could be the Kardashians or in certain circumstances the paul brothers due to their unstoppable nature
That slag has so much popularity protection