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The Randomness

1. The cause of the infinite number of posibilities and the infinite number of combinations between them in an infinite universe/infinite number of universes.Can be used as an answer to any question.
2.Used as "teh Randomness" in a sarcastic maner when something very unlikely happens.

Students,tell me why water consists of two atoms hydrogen and one oxigen?
Student: The Randomness?
2.Man, did you hear Heidy Clum got married to Seal?
No shit? Teh Randomness again!

by Bill_Taylor November 12, 2009

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A person who has a posession of a tiny.... forehead and has the most gullible abnocxious problem it is everyone and everything . Everyone you see is random. Everything you do is random. we are random. our life is random......Random


by Morbidly Random May 25, 2017

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by by nice March 26, 2018

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a word that is used to describe the weirdest type of humor and is very stupid to some people but in my opinion that is the exact way to describe me and my friends ....... SO LAY OFF!!!!!!!

Girl 1: hey i heard you say something really random the other day ?

Girl 2 :ready heres what it was ...... CHEESE LOL!

Girl 1: he he nice.

by kaylishous15 October 7, 2013

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Chosen, done or happening by chance.

Many here on this site defining the word have given example that are random(even though they say they aren't), over use doesn't made a word invalid.

If I ask someone "how are you?" and they reply "cheese" unless they decided that ahead of time it is in fact random. Things can be random and have some sort of intent IE a random sample for a study.

When people are with their friends and have conversations of how kitten ninjas steal tacos they are speaking randomly as there is no method the their madness.

I'm a random person as proud of it!!! Hot dog frogs!

My chicken dinner saw Shrek 3 with Bobby Flay and Rosa parks. (There are words and a scenario I chose at random)

While there maybe better word choices the word still applies.

by sailornaruto39 February 9, 2015

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non essential, confusing and often misleading word, used in reponse to any sentence which may envoke slight shock or simply a confused state.
most commonly used in situations which in fact, are quite common, and generally quite essential.

person a: have u got any nieces?
person b: yeh, my sister had a baby yesterday
person a: WOW RANDOM!

person a:have u got any nieces?
person b: There was this big yellow bear and he had a tribe ov owls and the owls had green hair and blue wings and very many eyes and one day the dog went to the beach and found The Land of Faraway and decided to go home, and then the Russian Pygmie Army bearing cocktail sticks by the thousands ran at Craig, but craig, having wings flew away, but in his panic, as he was terrified ov the Russian Pygmies bearing cocktail sticks by the thousands (some even had the little umbrella ones.....) he flew straight into the Empire State building, and in a severe state of shock and confusion (as he lives in Clevedon and didn't know where the Empire State building came from) he got a marmite sandwiche out from his bag and ate it. But out of no where a parcel arrived for Egbert, which was a very parculiar thing as no one but me knows anything about Egbert (as he lives in my shoe) and i didn't send him a parcel. To pollys surprise the clouds had turned orange and ofcorse this means it was raining apple juice (durgh). I was walking down the road the other day and suddenly this cookie fell from the sky right in front ov me, 'no waaaaaay' said the man, 'itz raining fucking doughnuts', so he picked up his cat and carried on his journey to Jupiter.
person a: WOW RANDOM!!!!!!!

by 4bz April 7, 2004

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Jetzy, a really random person

Jetzy: LOL i like apples
Minnie: WHAT?! LOL
Jetzy: LOL i like jetzy
Minnie: your such a randomer.

by EMi.MiLK October 6, 2009

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