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Dog STD’s

When ya fuck a dog and get a new STD

Oh man Jerry was fucking that dog so hard!” “Ya but it gave him Dog STD’s!”

by Special E.D June 17, 2018

std words

Words like Shit, Tit and Dick. Basically, the vocabulary of the average middle schooler.

Father: Now Bobby, I don't want you using std words at school.
Bobby: F*ck you you're not my real dad.

by nonecaresgod November 4, 2015

std: sig

When your dog poops out their insides. Caused by parkinson's disease; back legs become paralyzed.
Sexually inflammed guts.

what's hangin from your dog's butt? Oh, it is just std: SIG!!

by deppgirl September 15, 2008

Virtual STD

A virtually transmitted disease, where someone you mercy-friend'ed on Facebook won't stop stalking your profile, by constantly and annoyingly commenting on your pics and postings.

I caught a virtual STD on Facebook last week - I accepted a friend request from an old work friend and she's been stalking my profile ever since.

by regretful mercy-friender May 11, 2009

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Walking STD

Also known as the lesser seen Molly creature, you can find these phenomenons in Indonesia, Switzerland (Leysin American School), Venezuela, Australia, and Kazakhstan. The Molly has a variety of sexually transmitted diseases such as Aids, Herpes, and Syphilis.

Melissa: Oh my god, did you see that creature leaping through the trees?
Kat: Oh, you mean the Walking STD?
Melissa: I didn't know the Molly migrates to Switzerland!
Kat: Yeah, well, this one has been here for almost two years now, so, you kinda get used to it.

by kattheyeoham October 20, 2009

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STD jamboree

A festival in which STDs are transferred from person to person.

Doctor: I'm sorry, but you have AIDS
Patient: Damnit. I knew I shouldn't have gone to that STD jamboree!

by Stevoisiak February 19, 2014

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STD Campsite

A dumb natty ass girl who has so many STD's she passes them on to every one she meets. She needs to be a leper and go live in the mountains by herself before she infects anyone else. Her name usually starts with "k" and is a complete douche bag!

Dumbass Mother Fucker: Man she is so nice I really liker her.

Voice of Reason: Dude that girls is an STD Campsite!
Dumb Ass Mother Fucker: But I dont care my mom likes her.

Voice of Reason: Go to the clinic!

by Friends Against STD CAMPSITES! April 9, 2011

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