A hairy vagina.
Conner's sasquatch patch is peeking out from under his jorts.
Having a frustratingly itchy ass due to a mass amount of hair in the lower region.
Dude1: "Why do you keep squirming?"
Dude2: "My ass is on fire! It's abnormally hairy and its all entangled and tickling like crazy!"
Dude1: "The Sasquatch Effect is inevitable. Tough shit, I say."
A Canadian handmade ceramic bong company that incorporated their name before looking it up on Urban Dictionary.
Pink Sasquatch's new bong is ribbed for your pleasure.
When you take a dump and you feel it, hear it and smell it but when you turn around there is nothing there.
When you look for it it is never found, leading to some not believing its existence.
Up north it is known as an "Abdominal Snowman Poop", and in other countries "Yeti Shit"
Son: look Mommy!! I used the potty!!!
Mom: Good job honey, I'm so proud!! Let me see!....wait the bowl is empty...
Son: i swear I did it, Mommy
Mom: It does stink in here... But I don't believe you did it
Son: Really mommy, I did it must have been a Sasquatch poop..
Mom: There's no such thing..
Son: mom, don't be a skeptic, they are real
Mom: Go to work, your late.
A big hairy stick longer than a giraffe's neck
Pretty sure Nicki Minaj has a Sasquatch's Dick
When a bunch of men ejaculate on an Arabian women in a barbershop, and the proceeds to roll in the hair on the ground.
Oh it's Halloween I need and affordable costume any one down to give me a quick Arabian Sasquatch?
When your girlfriend doesn’t shave her asshole so you creampie her then make her fart which resembles a Sasquatch yelling
My girlfriend didn’t shave last week so I gave her a Sasquatch creampie