Source Code

social credit

When your behavior is good you get social credits 我爱中国 The Wock is the #1 social credit holder 台湾不是一个国家

Me: "I love China"
* 30 社会信用已添加到您的余额中 *

Me: "Taiwan isn't a country!"
* 您已获得 50 个社会信用 *

Me: "Nothing happened in 1989!"
* 从现在开始,您将拥有无限的社会信用 恭喜 *

(this was a tutorial of getting infinite social credits)

by Dimostheenis October 17, 2021

235👍 15👎

uber social

When a silent and an embarrassed person gets so drunk that he starts to act funny(e.g. dancing, stripping, vomiting, singing, etc.). the act is often followed by the person denying that he was drunk.

-arthur was uber social last night
-no he was just drunk
arthur: i wasn't drunk, didn't you see my ninja reflexes?

by vercamer May 15, 2012

social upgrade

to social upgrade means to accomplish media by social media for social media marketing, like facebook, twitter, foursquare or linkedin.

social upgrade your media plan by facebook or twitter.

by burkhard July 7, 2011

37👍 1👎

Social Espionage

The act of taking a picture with your phone and then immediately posting it to a social networking site or sites without the subjects knowledge.

John: We're you at that rager last night?

Steve: Yes, and that dick Tommy took a photo of me groping a stripper with his phone and posted it to facebook, a real act of social espionage...needless to say my wife put my dick back on the mantle.

by jasbra January 7, 2010

119👍 8👎

Social Problem

An individual (usually drunk) who inflicts problems upon society by yelling, fighting and/or vandalizing, all in public.

Jeff: Did you see Mike last night???
Chad: Yea, that social problem threw 3 oscillating fans at a car.

by -Chadillac- October 4, 2008

106👍 7👎

social juggernaut

one who is acquainted with approximately 95% of a given social strata.

Jermyn knows everybody in the pit, he's a social juggernaut.

by jacklinks0982 September 14, 2009

social reject

social reject = no friends
-- cant socialy interact

Discord kid 1: ur a social reject
You: oh....

by ajkakd May 27, 2021

79👍 5👎