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pull a spencer

Canceling at the last minute or generally not showing up

Friend: are you coming out tonight?
Other friend: About that...
Friend: Don't pull a Spencer!
Other friend: I'm going to have to pull a Spencer, sorry.

by oma7 July 4, 2009

Spencer Charnas

Psycho, crazy, sexy man from Ice Nine Kills.
Legendary Killer Daddy Vibes for dayz <3

Girl 1 : Whose that?
Girl 2: *bleeds from neck* Spencer Charnas from Ice Nine Kills

by snottygothix November 12, 2019

Frank Spencer

The name "Frank Spencer" may be used in the UK to refer to a particularly inept man, particularly one who is not very good at home improvements; "he did nothing right, and two things wrong". Examples of the phrase in ordinary usage are: "He's a bit of a Frank Spencer" or "Well that was very Frank Spencerish".

Naive, clueless and accident-prone

It's all gone a bit Frank Spencer
from Arctic Monkeys - You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me

by matt from hants May 11, 2006

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spencer hastings

A fictional character from the popular book series by Sara Shepard, and the TV Series by ABC Family.

Spencer Hastings is a driven over-achiever, but makes great grades. Her friend Alison DiLaurentis went missing the summer of her Sophomore Year, and her and 3 of her closest friends ( Aria Montgomery , Hanna Marin , and Emily Fields ) have been trying to solve the mystery of her death.

The four of them try to solve mysteries while being stalked and blackmailed by "A" , the mysterious person who has apparently kept track of The Pretty Little Liars.

Spencer is smart and very athletic. She is the "smart one" of her group of friends, and if you ever get called a "Spencer Hastings", take it as a compliment!

Jealous Person: Man, you're such a Spencer Hastings! *rolls eyes*

You: Thanks!!

by Kittykatz03 December 8, 2015

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Spencer Pratt

A synonym for the word Douchebag.

Person A: Who's the douchiest person you can think of?

Person B: Spencer Pratt.

Person A: Yeah, good call.

Person B: Some one should murder him.

Person A: Definitely.

by The Flying 69 June 16, 2009

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Spencer Shay

A powerful god from the anime Boku no Carly that is the next Shaggy Rogers.

Spencer Shay has the ability to destroy Shaggy by using 100% of his power.

by jacobjohn55 November 12, 2019

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Dirty Spencer

When a guy with 6 inch or above cock gives you the best sex of your life

I hear that he’s gives a really good dirty Spencer

by This is correct April 18, 2020

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