Source Code

there's a spy in our midst

when there is an enemy spy in the base

engineer:there's a spy in our midst
pyro:*arson intensifies*

by raybeez February 11, 2022

Spy Chuck

1. The act of throwing objects to evade an enemy.

Hannah recieved a spy chuck. And tripped.

by MissAwkwardNeoo March 22, 2010



The red clothed man who can't put down a chance to stab Heavy in the back

"There's a spy round' here..."

by MaybeAnonymous May 5, 2022


A cool friend that hangs out every once in a while

Look who it is, the spy. He only shows up every once in a while.

by Coolgamerapex92 December 4, 2020


am the spy from tf2
me backstab people and hate scout.

"My favourite class is the spy" Gabe Newell

Scout: hey spy

Spy: fack u *guns scout down with a .44 magnum*

by Xylinxium November 30, 2021


"Spy's" is the plural of the word "spy" created by the legendary @ughdareme.

Annie: "y'all like spies ffs"

@ughdareme: "you can't even spell spy's dumbass KSDJHSKNDAK,stay SILENT

by ohyesyes September 16, 2018



Guy 1: Have You Played Spy Yet?
Guy 2: French Guy? No.
Guy 1: Kill Yourself

by January 4, 2024